Donk Poker Term

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'Donk Bet', referring to a bet made by a player in early position that didn't take the lead pre-flop, is a well-defined term used commonly in poker literature. It should definitely be included in any glossary. You’ve likely heard someone say “poker is an evolving game”, well no play better exemplifies this than the donk bet. Once thought to be a play only used by ‘donks’, hence the term, it’s become a widely accepted strategy, and even an integral part of many top poker player’s winning ways. What does the term donk bet mean in the world of poker? What is the definition of the term donk bet?-Misclick Misclick Definition - what does the term misclick mean. Donk bet In poker, donk betting means betting out of position (you must act first) without the betting initiative (you did not make the last bet or raise on the previous betting round.). The one poker glossary you need to understand pokerese. My goal is to create the ultimate glossary of poker terms; the one place you need to visit to make sure you understand words dealers might say to you at tables built on bricks or a player might chat to you at a table made of bits.

In poker, donkbetting means betting out of position (you must act first) without the betting initiative (you did not make the last bet or raise on the previous betting round.) It's typically considered an unorthodox and unusual move because the traditional play after passively calling a bet out of position would be to check the next round--a donk bet is unexpected and can throw off your opponent's plans for the hand.
This is as opposed to continuation betting, which is a bet made in or out of position after you have made the last bet or raise on the previous round, and thus have the betting initiative.
The name 'donk bet' derives from the common derogatory term 'donkey' for bad players, because bad/clueless players will often make this play without knowing why they are doing it, simply because they don't know what's going on.
Under the right circumstances, however, it can be very good--by no means does donk betting necessitate bad play.
I was in the big blind and I called the button's opening raise. Most people would check the flop here whether or not they hit anything, but I decided to bet the flop before the button had another chance to act.
This is a donk bet because:
A) I was out of position (the button gets to act after me on all postflop betting rounds; therefore, he has position on me), and
B) I did not have the betting initiative (I merely called the button's raise on the previous round--I did not make the last bet or raise and thus I did not have the initiative.)
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n. In poker, a bet made when first to act on a given street, after having checked and called the preceding street(s). Formerly 'gaybet', before that 'bet-from-nowhere'.
v. the act of making a donkbet
My donkbet on 6th street was meant to represent the flush I had showing.
I donkbet the river with my weak hand, to avoid giving a free showdown.
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Donk poker term
To place a bet in first position on the river in texas holdem with little or no value to be gained. This play is used as a bluff and a scare tatic, most likely resulting in additional bets gained at a latter time.
I had missed a draw and I led out on the river knowing I could not win this was a donk bet.
Donk Poker Term

Donk Poker Term

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putting a c-bet in on the flop or later streets in community card poker games with little or no thought to floptexture or hand strength.
I had AK offsuit and the boardcame down 8-2-10, I just threw a donk bet.
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Donk Poker Terms

Donk Bet

A donk bet was only introduced as a poker term 13/14 years ago. It’s quite interesting that it has been given the negative name “donk”. This conjures up thoughts of a donkey, which is one of the worst insults a poker player can be called. But is the donk bet actually all that bad? This article will attempt to answer this question.

Beginner Texas Hold’em Question

What is a donk bet?

A donk bet is where the pre flop caller of a raise leads out into the raiser from out of position.

Reasons why it’s bad


The donk bet is considered poor poker strategy because it does not conform to people’s understanding of how poker should be played. The “check to the raiser” mentality is so ingrained in the poker community that to deviate from the norm is considered fishy play. There are reasons a donk bet can be bad though. Here are a few:

What are you representing?

It looks weak to the raiser. If you are leading into them, you appear as though you want to take the pot now. After all, why wouldn’t you check and raise a likely c bet? What are you telling your opponents if you decide to bet into them?

Losing the C Bet

If you’re actually strong, leading out can lose you action. Let’s consider a scenario where a frequent raiser opens the button. You defend the big blind with pocket 3s and flop a set on 3-5-J. Your opponent quickly folds, moving on to the next hand. The flop bet loses the c bet you inevitably get from someone opening a lot.

You will get 3 bet a lot

Many player’s treat a donk bet like a check anyway and will re raise you instead. Some people don’t give you credit when you lead into them and will 3 bet most flops knowing you are unlikely to be strong. This makes the donk bet a poor poker strategy if you are no super strong when leading.

Reasons why it can be good

Donk term in poker


Contrary to mainstream poker thought, I’ve always been a big fan of the leading into the raiser. There are couple of different scenarios I use it for deception. Flopping a monster and leading into a good player or a player who is likely to be strong works well. Both types of player will not expect you to have a strong hand and will either raise you for value or as a bluff. Either way you accomplish what you want. Deceiving your opponent goes a long way to helping you win money at poker.

Build the pot

Against players that are exercising pot control and playing small ball, the donk bet strategy works well to set up bluffs or build pot for value. By leading out you build the pot and allow a bluff to work smoother. By leading out, you can put pressure on your opponent. It may take 3 streets of betting but you can get the weak to medium strength hands to fold.

Donk Terme Poker

Take down small pots (cheaper bluffs)

At low and micro stakes, this bet can work well as players are prone to fit and fold poker. By leading into them you are removing their c bet weapon. It’s also a cheaper bluff than check raising. Beginner players don’t look at the situation and realise you are likely weak. Instead, they will be looking at their cards and seeing if they hit on the flop. Caution – some beginners will call on the flop with AK type hands even if they miss so it make require a turn bet too.

When to donk bet

Donk Poker Term


Donk Term In Poker

Donk poker terms

The donk bet is weapon that can be used sporadically and have success. You need to understand your opponents, have them tagged correctly. You will then know who it will work with and who it won’t. The donk bet has been around a long time and can be a useful tool if exercised properly. Gus Hansen showed this many years ago by schooling all the pros in WPT events with this style, so it can work.